I wrote this piece to illustrate what the majority of our citizens want, but will not get. Money talks, and politicians are willing to listen even when it's not in the best interest of their constituancy. Not what our founding fathers intended when they created this Country.
The N Y Times printed an article entitled, “Poll Finds Wide Support for Idea Of Government-Run Health Plan.” The poll was conducted with 895 randomly selected adults throughout the United States. The poll found that most Americans would be willing to pay higher taxes so everyone could have health insurance. A government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers was favored. When asked which party was more likely to improve health care 57% of Democrats and one in four Republicans, said the Democrats would do better.
It’s obvious that the majority of the citizens of our Country want the single-payer or pubic option health coverage. This is a “Country of, by and for the people.” So why are we not getting our way? The answer is obvious. The health insurance and pharmaceutical industries give a lot of money to the legislators' re-election coffers. It’s time to start throwing those people out office or limiting them to two terms. We did that to the presidency, and it worked!
Melvin H Kirschner, MPH, MD
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