Thursday, June 4, 2009


This letter illustrates why private, for-profit health care insurance should not be part of a universal health care system. A universal Medicare system provides care for everyone equally, under one set of rules. If a patient wants more coverage than the Medicare system provides, they may choose to purchase a supplementary plan from a private insurer. The backers of a combined system realize that private insurers cannot compete with a "Medicare for all" system and still advertise and make profits. Even though more than 50% of Americans want universal single payer, the private insurers will make every effort to scuttle it. Their only option is to buy off the legislators, and so far they seem to be successful at doing just that.


The L.A. Times May 4th Business Section Article “Medical bills tied to more bankruptcies,” cited a study showing that “healthcare costs play a role in 62% of bankruptcies.”
To solve this problem, Senators Kennedy (D. Mass) and Baucus (D. Montana) are leading efforts to develop universal heath care legislation. Mr. Kennedy advocates a single payer, government funded system. Baucus advocates a combined health care program where the private, for profit insurance companies also have a role.
The study cited, showed that “private insurers have failed to protect consumers from financial ruin in the event of a medical crisis.”
There is no doubt that we need universal health care coverage; but the private insurers have already demonstrated that they don’t protect people from financial ruin due to medically related expenses.
We need universal, single-payer health care, such as Medicare. Everyone will have coverage and nobody will suffer bankruptcy due to medical bills. It will not cost more than is spent per patient now, because the most expensive group of patients are seniors over age 65, and they’re already covered by Medicare.

Melvin H Kirschner, MPH, MD

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