Eight letters were published in the LA Times in response to the AMA president's statement about health care insurance. They were all in favor of single payer or public option. Senator Baucus is wavering, but still hasn't announced that public option is back "on the table." Meanwhile the private health insurance industry is using the power of money to prevent that from happening. They are also loading the news media, radio and television with mis-information.
To the Editor:
I was pleased to see the multiplicity of letters in response to the LA Times article regarding health insurance. Every letter was against the for-profit health insurance industry. As a family doctor I made a good living, but my patient’s health and welfare always came first. I was pleased that Medicare made it possible for the people over age 65 to receive good medical care without putting them in the poorhouse. This country really needs a single payer health plan, but for now I would settle for the public option. So why is that “off the table.” It’s off the table because the for-profit health insurers know it would mean the beginning of their end. The legislators, who all have good public health insurance, took the public option off the table because the insurance companies would stop contributing to their reelection funds.
Melvin H Kirschner MPH, MD
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