Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June14, 2009

Dear Mr. Waxman:

Several years ago your office staff called me for advice on medical issues you were working on. I was delighted and flattered that your Washington office staff had decided that my opinion was valuable. Now a major issue faces our Country. I've been in practice as a family physician for 47 years. That's longer than Medicare has been around. As you know, Medicare is a single payer system that has served patients and the health care system well. On the other hand, the private health insurance companies put their desire to earn maximum profits, ahead of patient care.
There are 46 million people in the U. S. without health insurance. Mr. Conyers health care bill is a logical solution to this problem and more than half of our people, including doctors, agree with this fact. Don't let the vested interests buy Congress. Your loyalty must be in the best interest of patients as it always has been in the past.

Melvin H Kirschner, MPH, MD

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