Saturday, May 16, 2009

I read the NY Times 5/16 article “HEALTH PLANS WOULD ADD TO CONTROLS ON INSURES” with some disbelief and much disgust.

The reason politicians have not resolved the “explosive question of whether to create a public insurance program, to compete with private insurers,” is because that would cut off a substantial portion of their re-election money.
A public health insurance plan would surely scuttle the private for profit health care insurance industry. Except for supplementary policies, what percent of Medicare eligible seniors buy private insurance as their primary policy?
It’s interesting that no advocates of a single payer system were allowed on the committee. In fact those who tried were arrested, including three physicians.
Ours is not a country “of the people, by the people and for the people.” Our legislators sell themselves to the highest bidder. Until we get legislative term limits and restriction against accepting lobbying money, the pubic will never have true representation.

Melvin H Kirschner, MPH, MD

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