Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last hours of 2009

47 million still without health care coverage.
Still at war!
Country still torn by discontent.
Happy New Year for all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

AllMedicinesArePoison, the press is noticing.

I've already given several lectures regarding the book.So far, I've been interviewed on 7 radio stations in the US and Canada.I may be on the Rachel Raye show early next year. Dr. Harriet Hill has published a detailed review and critic of the book.
I wrote this book because of the sad state of the health care industry in this Country. I believe that my 60 years serving our health care system has provided me with the knowledge of what's broken and how it can be fixed. The alternative medicine advocates are right when they state that all medicines are poison, but those poisons have life-saving usefulness when prescribed by doctors. Doctors are trained to weigh the risks versus the values.
But Medicines are only one part of the health care system. The book discusses many other elements of our health care system. These elements include hospitals, drug research, manufacturing and advertising, insurance coverage, government oversight, the under-insured or uninsured population and why medical care in the U. S. is twice as expensive here, than it is in the rest of the industrialized world.
You don't have to agree, but you should be aware of the issues.


The Website for my new book is now available.

My book "All Medicines Are Poison!" is now available on my website,

Please visit and click on the "order" button to get it in your choice of paperback or hardbound.